CAD To BIM Services

CAD To BIM Conversion

Seamlessly convert traditional CAD files to advanced BIM models, improving collaboration and project outcomes.
CAD to BIM services

We offer specialized CAD to BIM services, designed to help you transform your 2D CAD drawings into intelligent 3D BIM models. This service is essential for architects, engineers, contractors, and anyone involved in the construction and design industries who wants to streamline their project workflows and improve accuracy.

Our team of experienced professionals takes your existing CAD files and converts them into detailed BIM models that offer more than just a visual representation. These models provide valuable information about the building’s structure, materials, and systems, making it easier to manage every aspect of the construction process.

With our CAD to BIM service, you can expect improved collaboration, reduced errors, and better decision-making throughout the project lifecycle. This process is crucial in modern construction and architecture because BIM offers more than just visual representation—it integrates all aspects of a building’s design, construction, and maintenance.

Benefits of CAD to BIM

The benefits of CAD to BIM services include:

  • Time Efficiency: It helps in speeds up project timelines by automating repetitive tasks and reducing manual work.
  • Cost Savings: Minimizes rework and material waste, leading to cost-effective project execution.
  • Improved Visualization: It offers 3D models that provide a clear understanding of design intent.
  • Informed Decision-Making: It enables data-driven decisions with comprehensive model information.
  • Future-Proofing: It supports future renovations and maintenance with easily accessible model data.

Why Choose Us?

We specialize in precise CAD to BIM conversion services that streamline your design process. Our expert team provides accurate transformation of 2D drawings into intelligent 3D models, improving project visualization and coordination.

With a commitment to detail, we deliver models that align with industry standards and your specific project requirements. By choosing us, you benefit from reduced errors, improved collaboration, and faster project delivery.

Whether it’s for architectural, structural, or MEP designs, our tailored solutions offer the efficiency and reliability your projects need to succeed.

Software We Use






BIM 360

Our CAD To BIM Conversion Services

Pdf To BIM Conversion

We convert PDF drawings into detailed 3D BIM models.

Paper To BIM Conversion

Transforms hand-drawn paper plans into accurate digital BIM models.

2D & 3D Conversion To BIM

Changes 2D or 3D designs into comprehensive BIM models.

Blueprints Plans To BIM

Converts traditional blueprints into dynamic and detailed BIM models.


Joe Atalla
Berkeley Building Company
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We had a great experience with your company and appreciate the speed and final results. Thanks!
Andrew Brister
GreenLight 360
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No Concerns. Everything went smoothly. I appreciate the attention to detail, time frame and coordination.
Micheal Berg
The Jantile Group
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We were happy to work with you on this project and looking forward to work with you in the future.


Getting to know you

We’ll gather all relevant CAD drawings and documentation to start the conversion process.

Getting to work

Our experts will convert CAD files into a 3D BIM model, making sure all design elements are accurately represented.

Ready for review

Check the BIM model for accuracy and completeness, comparing it with original CAD drawings.

Feedback and final approvals

At last, we’ll integrate the BIM model into existing project workflows and software for collaborative use and analysis.

CAD To BIM Services - Frequently Asked Questions

Converting CAD files to BIM offers several benefits, including better visualization, better data management, improved collaboration among project stakeholders, and more efficient project planning and execution.

We can convert various CAD file formats, including DWG, DXF, and DGN, into BIM models. The specific format requirements may vary based on the project needs.

The conversion process involves importing your CAD files into BIM software, where we then create a detailed 3D model based on the CAD drawings. This includes adding necessary elements such as walls, doors, and windows, and integrating data for better analysis.

The timeline for CAD to BIM conversion depends on the complexity and size of the project. Generally, the process can take from a few days to several weeks. We provide an estimated timeline based on your specific project requirements.

The cost varies based on factors such as the size and complexity of the project, the level of detail required, and the turnaround time. We provide customized quotes based on your project’s specific needs.

We make sure that the converted BIM model is compatible with widely used BIM tools and software. If you have specific software requirements, please let us know so we can accommodate them.




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